a photo journey

~ Make sure to look through October for pictures from my trip to Italy. This whole working thing is really throwing off my regular-posting groove!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Australia Zoo - Cassowary

This is quite possibly the more awesome and the most terrifying bird I have ever met. Think emu with attitude and a huge wart-like horn staring at you eye-to-eye. Very cool, but daunting none the less.

As you can tell, there's food in the bucket, which is what caught the bird's attention initially. I ended up sitting down on the raise walkway to watch the cassowary eat. So cool! it's neck is really quite floppy and iridescent blue. When it swallows, you can actually see the form of the object sliding down its neck. Gah!

These lovely, ugly birds are loosing ground on the whole no dying off front. If you get a chance to go to the zoo and see one, it's well worth the trip.

Taken February 2010 - Australia Zoo, Brisbane, Queensland