May I introduce Hunter, our house spider.
I must admit, had you asked me three years ago about if I would like to have a spider of notable size living in my bedroom I would have answered a resounding no. It's amazing what the heat of the Australian summer can do to one's brain, eh?
All jokes aside, I was actually quite pleased to have Hunter move in with us. Huntsman spiders are known to be a very effective bug killing arachnid. They also do not really use webs and they pose no harm to humans. So really, these spiders are the ideal house guests. Our Hunter only showed his (or her) face on occasion, and really didn't grow to be that big. (Including leg-span, he was about the size of a 50c coin Australian, or a Canadian twoonie).
Sadly, we haven't seen Hunter since the end of May. I miss you my dear.
taken April 2010 - wall of our bedroom, Macquarie Park, NSW