a photo journey

~ Make sure to look through October for pictures from my trip to Italy. This whole working thing is really throwing off my regular-posting groove!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Rose

2006 was my first Christmas in a place where the ground wasn't frozen from October to April, so seeing a rose in full bloom while on my way to a Christmas service at church was absolutely stunning!

Happy Christmas everyone - may this year be full of roses and wonder!

Taken December 2006 - roadside, Cambridge, England

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Genoa - Who's that over your shoulder

I get a giggle every time I look at this picture. In my head I always here "Dude! Do you see that guy over your shoulder? I think he's famous or something". Yeah, I'm a regular comedian eh?

I still think it's cool though, and I think the image is one worth having tucked in the corner of your mind. The image of Jesus in the background is of His sacred heart. He is always there with a hug, and with love no mater if we're looking for Him or not. He's got so much love that even the beautiful angels with their neigh-infinite love still need His presence because He perfects them fully.

Wikipedia link here

taken June 2010 - Basilica della Santissima Annuziata del Vastato , Genoa

Thursday, November 25, 2010

La Spezia

This Cathedral really does combine the 60's space age with church design. Pretty and pretty unusual.

Check here for my other rant...

Taken June 2010 - Christ the King of Centuries Cathedral, La Spezia, Italy

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Genoa - Steps

I have no doubt that there will eventually be a movie made about my amazing life. I also have no doubt that a place like this will feature in the film. I just love these stairs. The wrought iron work, the stone walls, the ferns that will grow just about anywhere... it's all just so lovely. It was also lovely and cool on these steps, the stone absorbing some of the heat of the day. Yup, here's one of the 4728 locations I would choose to include. I'll see if you can think of any others...

taken June 2010 - one set of City steps, Genoa

Monday, November 15, 2010

La Spezia - Alter reality

This Cathedral was concecrated in 1975. Built in the round, the red circular carpet you can see in the foreground is in the centre of the church.

So interesting!

Taken June 2010 - Christ the King of Centuries Cathedral, La Spezia, Italy

Friday, November 12, 2010

Rose at Peppertree wine

I don't take that many photos of flowers from the side, but I think this one worked out quite nicely indeed. Also, my camera sometimes has a fit taking pictures of pink flowers. I don't know why, but there it is.

taken May 2010 - Peppertree Wines, Hunter Valley, NSW

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Genoa - detail of church wall

I really do like taking this style of photo. More properly said, I would love to touch these sculptures and take in their details as much as I am allowed to.

Wikipedia link here

taken June 2010 - Basilica della Santissima Annuziata del Vastato (I think), Genoa

Friday, November 5, 2010

Genoa - Zaccaria

This lovely statue was one of four in a niche. Zaccaria, Stefano, Elisabetta and Giovanni. If I'm reading the card right. they are from the 17thc. Hurrah!

The statues at this basilica were absolutely stunning. I say this because they are completely up my alley as it were. I love the flowing lines of the cloth, and the near-human reality of the expressions.

Wikipedia link to Basilica di Santa Maria Assunta in Italian or English
Wikipedia link to St Zechariah (priest) here (feast day Nov 5th)

taken June 2010 - Basilica di Santa Maria Assunta, Genoa

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My favourite shoes

I cannot tell you how much I love these shoes. Basically, whenever I think I can get away with wearing bright yellow on my feet, I do!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Genoa - Dome-tastic

Would you believe me if I told you this church was heavily bombed during WWII? Yeah, really. There did some pretty darn-tootin' impressive restorations here. This church floored me to begin with. It really does show 17thc style. (at least to my mind's eye it does).

I'm now going to quote to you from the church's English pamphlet.

A statue found and preserved "without hands"and respondent to prayers of an anonymous Flemish person of the 15th century "Christ does not have hands - he only has our hands to do his work today..."

Now I ask you to take a moment, to sit, look up and wonder at the works of God around us and say thanks. Then stand up, and find a way to use your hands to the glory of God.

Wikipedia link in Italian or English

taken June 2010 - Church of San Pietro di Banchi, Genoa

Monday, November 1, 2010

In the park with a Cocatoo

I'm still trying to get the perfect shot of the sulphur-crested cockie. I like the brilliance of the yellow crest, but even still... y'all are going to have to suffer through more pictures of these birds until I get my hero shot. (here's my last cockatoo post)

I might add that since they put new wood chips around the swings in the park, it has been cockatoo city! I think there must have been some tasty bugs in the chips as the cockies have been tearing though the grounds and ripping up just about everything. I also think the random foodstuff left after the weekend picnics are a hit with the birds. Yesterday I watched a cockie pull the straw out of a McDonald's cup, take the top off and upend the contents over itself. mmmm... sticky sweet cockatoos.

Taken August 2010 - Park by our apartment, Macquarie Park, NSW

Friday, October 15, 2010

La Spezia - Me!

I really did have a wonderful time in Italy. On this particular evening, M, T and I were our wandering. Eventually we found a pub with seats outside and the tv tuned to the world cup. All is right with the world on nights like this.

Taken June 2010 - pub near the waterfront, La Spezia, Italy

Thursday, October 14, 2010

La Spezia - Mosaics

Yes, I'm on a church kick. One of my favorite things to do is visit churches.

This mosaic was over the front door of an Orthodox church in La Spezia. As this church was never open when I passed by, I didn't get to see inside. A shame, but as I did get to see 6 churches during our 3 days in La Spezia, I think I did alright.

Taken June 2010 - Orthodox Church, La Spezia, Italy

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

La Spezia - Casting light...

The cathedral in La Spezia was probably the most unique church I have ever been in. It was obviously a catholic church, don't get me wrong... it was just different. Built in an in-the-round style, the focus was the centre alter. There were a couple of side chapels, and behind the reredos there were several icons. Each ceiling pillar had a roman numeral, I to XII for the stations of the cross. A very ordinary church save the whole in the round thing. It was obviously commissioned in the early 60's and completed within that decade. No doubt about it!

As preciously mentioned, the alter was in the centre of the church. Standing just infront of the alter and looking straight up to the ceiling around 10m above was a circular bit of stained glass. This shot is a detail of it. I can only imagine what golden light would shine down on the alter through this glass!

Taken June 2010 - Christ the King of Centuries Cathedral, La Spezia, Italy

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

La Spezia

Very interesting cathedral celing. I love looking up :)

Taken June 2010 - Chirst the King of Centuries Cathedral, La Spezia, Italy

Monday, October 11, 2010

La Spezia - 50's Deco-inspired theatre

Okay, so I'm strating to think it is more important for me to actually get some of these Italian pics up. Stories will follow if I have time...

Also, if you'd like to make up stories, I'd love to hear them :)

Taken June 2010 - Detail from outside wall of a local theatre, La Spezia, Italy

Friday, October 8, 2010

Genoa - best story ever

One of the afternoons I spent wandering around inside the old walled city, I found myself walking down a lane beside one of the basilicas. No really, I came out of the Annunciation to Mary Basilica, turned right and started walking down the lane. I found myself impressed that there were people still milling about the streets here as it was seista time. Then it dawned on me... I wasn't just walking down any lane, the people around me weren't just randomly out... no, no... I was walking past the front of a bordello.

Yup, in Italy, it's okay to sell business between 9-6. After dark, it's illegal, but during daylight what you can sell is allowed legally to be bought. There were three ladies who were dressed up as if to go clubbing, one at each end of the street and one at the middle where an ally connects. (I passed by this area again a day later and the three same women were still at their posts... no really.)

So, here I am, keeping a tourist-style I'm-looking-at-the-architecture-style walk, while inside my head I'm laughing at myself, while also trying not to look at any of the people. Oh my poor little brain... how you almost exploded!

Just as I reach the end of the lane, I slow to decide which way to turn. This is the point where Anna=fail. There was a fourth lady which I hadn't noticed sitting, I don't know where, who appeared out of the ether. I continued to look up and noticed the lovely sculpture above. And now is the point which I really really really wish I spoke Italian. This Madame decided to chat with me. I don't really know whether she was trying to sell her 'goods' to me, or if she was trying to tell me the details of the sculpture... I don't think I will ever know. All I could think was "Gahh! I don't know what you're talking about so I'm going to nod and smile and stare at the sculpture." This thought was followed quickly by "Get me outta here!"

I still to this day don't actually know what happened. I do however have a lovely picture of a nice bit of religious art and a brain that still goes 'pop' every time I think of that afternoon.

taken June 2010 - Side of a building, Genoa

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Genoa - wave patterns?

Just a block away from the bestest foccia ever was this lovely little church. I'd wanted to see inside of it since the day we arrived. From the outside, it looked kind of like a memorial hall, or tiny concert hall. The domed roof and general style of the outside said to me that this was a lovely 18thc church.

Once inside, I could have sat here for hours! It was lovely and cool and clean and bright. I think it has been pretty much constantly loved at the same level since it was built... there's signs that it's been used, but basically there's no dust, and the tokens around the saints have been there for at least 100 years. What really caught my eye was the pattern in the ceiling. As the plaster work meant that the ceiling was perfectly rounded, these wave patterns are absolutely stunning. Also, after seeing sooooo many painted mural-style ceilings, to have something so decorated and yet so simple was lovely. I'd like to also note, that there were no artificial lights on while I visited. All of the light came in from lovely big third-storey windows and the while ceiling defused it perfectly.

Wikipedia link here

taken June 2010 - Church of San Torpete, Genoa

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Genoa - Well, Well

Just outside the old gate to the old city (now named after Columbus), a beautiful medieval structure still stands. If you look at the column topper seen above, you can still see the carved angel. This column is one of the corner posts around a 5m by 12m open frame which seems to have been built around a well. It really is a lovely little park now, but I'm sure the practical nature of having a well within an easy distance of most of the upper part of the city caused this well to be highly decorated and highly protected.

taken June 2010 - just outside City gate, Genoa

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Genoa - Lady in a bath tub

On the second story of most buildings in the old part of Genoa, there were icons of some fashion or other. Some of them were painted on, some were on a carved bit of stone and some were full sculptures. There seemed to be several favoured saints; George and Mary being the two I most easily recognised.

I'm not exactly certain which saint is pictured above. As there is no veil and she's holding some kind of urn, I know it's not the Virgin Mary (in any of her variety of roles). My guess would be Mary Magdalene, carrying the oil she will wash the feet of Jesus with. In any case, this picture shows the feature which one of my Category Widows referred to as 'the bathtub'. You'll notice that behind the sculpture there is a lovely concaved indent fashioned to best draw your attention to the saint on show... this indent is normally either left a clean stone or painted light blue. Yup, saints in bathtubs - Italian stylin' at it's finest!

taken June 2010 - Side of a residence... don't know who's though, Genoa

Monday, October 4, 2010

Genoa - Catedral's tower

Stripes... the Genovese love their stripes. Basically every church in this area has at least part of its building striped. I guess when marble and granite is so conveniently located in the surrounding area, stripes will happen.

As for the Catedral di San Lorenzo, it's all stripes all the time. Even the columns inside are striped. Other than that, the west door is incredible! Oh, and I got to see the local Bishop and Cardinal in procession on St George's day. Pure awesome. Oh yeah.

taken June 2010 - Cathedral de Lorenzo - detail of West Door

Friday, October 1, 2010

Milan - Milan Duomo

And here begins the fun of reliving my holidays in June. I hope you enjoy this as much as I know I will!

I'm not positive, but from what I can tell, Milan decided that Florence couldn't have the only Dome around and they build their own. (Yes, this is not a picture of a dome... very good.) The wall of the west door has an incredible collection of sculptures, as most west doors are want to do. The spires at the top were also lovely, and the shot above features a sample of these spires. Also, how cool is the moon? We could not have asked for a bluer sky or a more perfect day for wandering the streets of Milan. I also took this picture on the walk to see the church above.

taken June 2010 - Milan Duomo, Milan

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Taronga Zoo - Koala

I feel very lucky to have caught the koalas at feeding time. Actually, I have never seen koalas move about so much (since they sleep 20-22 hours a day, it's not surprising to see them, well, asleep.)

The koala enclosure at Taronga had recently been closed for maintenance, so four of the koalas had been moved into the echidna enclosure. This provided me with excellent viewing, as the sunshine was beautiful and back-lit the koalas perfectly here.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Taronga Zoo - Wombat

Hello beautiful!

I must say that it is rather fortunate that the upper bit of grass is covering her forehead this morning. Just before I arrived to visit the wombat (her) enclosure, a bird must have flow by and dropped something on her forehead. She then must have tried to rub the wet stuff off, succeeding only in sticking a gum leaf smack dab in the middle of her forehead. Oh well, as long as there is dirt to dig and grass to eat, Mme Wombat seems to keep content!

Taken August 2010 - Taronga Zoo, Sydney, NSW

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Taronga Zoo - Giraffe feeding time

All I can say is this - What a tongue! Yes it's blue, and man it's strong.

In March, Micah and I managed to visit the Western Plains Zoo in Dubbo. I mention this only because Micah got to feed one of the lovely ladies there. Glee was all consuming for Micah, and the carrots were all consumed by the giraffes. Oh, and apparently a carrot to a giraffe is like a piece of chocolate to a person. Yummy!

Taken August 2010 - Taronga Zoo, Sydney, NSW

Monday, September 27, 2010

Taronga Zoo - Wallaby

I am always struck by how much kangaroos and wallabies look like dear. I really can't get over it. I think it's probably their ears and the gentle herbivore nature, though I might just be wishing for connections between these lovely creatures.

This beautiful lady actually came over to say hi to me while I was visiting her at Taronga. The keeper even gave me a peanut which Merrybel was oh so happy to gently take from my hand. Merrybel was raise from the size of a joey here at Taronga. Her mother was unfortunately hit by a car, an she was found hopping around at the side of the road by the place of the accident. Since she was hand fed, she's very use to having people around, and really loves to be petted. Let me tell you, she is so soft! What a beautiful girl to spend a sunny afternoon with eh?

Taken August 2010 - Taronga Zoo, Sydney, NSW

Friday, September 24, 2010

Mount Tomah Gardens - View

So where do you think this picture was taken? Doesn't seem like Oz eh? :)

Mount Tomah Gardens really are a treat. There are so many areas with so many garden styles that it is easy to imagine yourself just about anywhere on the planet (well, maybe not Antarctica, but you get the idea...) I always think of an English manor with this shot. It's funny though, not 100m away you can be standing amongst the tall gums looking at what is obviously a classic Blue Mountain scene.

Also, how green is this grass? It really is amazing what a misty day in winter will do for the ground here in Australia.

Taken May 2010 - Mount Tomah Botanical Gardens, Blue Mountains, NSW

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hunter Valley - Lock Ness??

What do you think this is?

I spent almost half an hour watching this thing swim around a damn (read Australian for pond or lake) in the Hunter Valley. This was the clearest picture I could manage . The above kept swimming around the clumps of reeds flicking water over its back.

After about an hour of guessing around on Google to figure out what it was, I finally discovered the truth. I'll let you click here to find out. ;)

Taken August 2010 - Damn (Australian for pond) in the Hunter Valley, NSW

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Taronga Zoo - Lion

Dude! Lion! Cool!

I'm not nearly as much of a cat person as a dog lover, but hey, lions are still pretty awesome eh? Now the next question I have is this - am I (and the group of people around me) watching the lion, or the lion me? Also, what is this lion thinking? For the most part, apathy dominated this cat's expression. Quelle surprise eh? :)

Taken August 2010 - Taronga Zoo, Sydney, NSW

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hillsborough Dykes

I will never tire of watching the seasons on the Petitcodiac. Here you can almost hear the wind rustle last year's dried grass. The last of the winter's snow is melting and you can feel the ground releasing the cold it has held onto for months.

I miss the marsh, I miss the mud and I so very much miss the tides.

Taken March 2003 - Hillsborough, New Brunswick, Canada

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Peppertree Winery - more flowers

It's so nice to see pictures turn out the way I hoped they would. On this beautifully sunny day in winter in the Hunter, it was just so lovely to be able to stroll out on the green grass and admire the flowers in bloom. Yes, they are a rather common, shall I even say a 'garden variety' flower here in Oz, but they really are lovely.

Taken August 2010 - Peppertree Winery, Hunter Valley, NSW

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hunter Valley - Amazing Tree

Oh my goodness, what a tree! What a scene. So perfect! (too bad the winery sucked!)

On our most recent trip to the Hunter, we finally made out way to the only certified organic winery. All of the principles were correct, but the execution was terrible! I'm not at all saying that organic wine is terrible - quite the opposite. The stuff here was just really bad. There wasn't anything wrong with the grapes... it just tasted like the producers didn't have idea what to do once the grapes were ripe. It's amazing how poor a product can become even when produced with the best starting materials! *sigh

Oh well... At least they had a cool tree!

Taken August 2010 - Field in the Hunter Valley, NSW

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Taronga Zoo - Spider Monkey

I have a series of pictures of this particular spider monkey, basically all showing that it loves its food! The other monkeys were happily meandering around their enclosure, but no, not this guy. He's out to enjoy the sun and the fruit conveniently left right here where he sits.

Have I mentioned that I love the zoo? :)

Taken August 2010 - Taronga Zoo, Sydney, NSW

Monday, September 13, 2010

On the way to the Taronga Zoo

Yet another classic Harbour shot. I love how rich and blue the water is here. I also really love the floating ferry platforms. There is just enough of a tide in this harbour to be a nuisance for ferries... all up it's about 1m of difference between low and high. (I'm rather obsessed with tides, just in case you didn't know).

Taken August 2010 - Ferry Terminal 5, Circular Quay, Sydney, NSW

Saturday, September 11, 2010

La Spezia - Snow? Really?

Yeah, this door is pretty cool, but it was not the first thing that caught my eye about this church. Nope, not the door, not the cool front gate or the mosaic work above the entrances. What caught my eye was whom the church was dedicated to - Our Lady of Snows. After a brief chuckle, my next thought was... who was this Lady?

Well, Wikipedia links me with a few pages. Not so much with the helpful. Google lead me to some interesting links for other churches dedicated to the same Saint. Hmmm...

After half an hour of link diving, I think I have a basic story of the origin of the name. Some powerful guy in the 300's wanted to have kids with his wife but they were barren. They prayed to Our Lady (Mary of Jesus) to help them out. In a vision they were told to build a church at a particular place, on a hill top covered in snow.

That's all you get. 'They' have no other historical reference point for this story, nor do we necessarily know if their prayers/actions produced an heir. But there is a church build on a hill outside of Rome that tends to get snow. Our Lady of Snows. Tada!

I'm not normally this cynical about names, but I do find that Mary has so too many titles. I love Mary, probably more than my protestant self should. I find many of her images and icons inspiring, breathtaking and moving. I get disgruntled when I have to use a reference text to tell me that the church is dedicated to Jesus' Mom. Just sayin'.

Taken June 2010 - Detail of the West Door, Parish Church Sanctuary - Our Lady of Snows, La Spezia, Italy

Friday, September 10, 2010

Taronga Zoo - Asian Aviary

I'm not certain which these beautiful birds are... something like Singapore sparrows? I'll let you tell me :)

Nevertheless, these cuties were happy to enjoy the spring sunshine while I sat on the ground in front of the. There are several aviaries in Taronga (4 or 5... maybe more?) and this one is lovely and cool with its own water-features and carp in the pond. It's a lovely place to simply sit and let the birds fly by.

Taken August 2010 - Taronga Zoo, Sydney, NSW

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Peppertree Winery - Glam shot

I know I've introduced you all to Pepper Tree Winery before. (here) They really are one of the top wineries of the Hunter Valley and well worth visiting if you are in the area. Their production levels basically match cellar door demand, so if you like a wine you'd best buy it up right quick! On our May trip to the Hunter, we sampled the newly released shiraz named Pebbles. On our return trip in August they had been sold out of Pebbles for over a month. That's crazy quick! The Coquun seen above was a delicious shiraz which I believe is already sold out 6 weeks after release. All I have to say on this is 'good on ya' and 'yum'!

Taken August 2010 - Peppertree Winery, Hunter Valley, NSW

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Taronga Zoo - Lion in the sun

Taronga Zoo really does everything possible to give each of their animals the best of the best. This lion's enclosure has cool areas, sunny areas and lots of space to both be seen and to hide. On this particular occasion, monsieur le lion decided to be perfectly friendly and basque in the sun just in front of the plexiglass. It was mid afternoon and the early spring sun was wonderfully warm against the still cool air. There were so many people gathered watching the lions that I took this picture from about 5 people back holding my camera above the crowd.

Taken August 2010 - Taronga Zoo, Sydney, NSW

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Opera House Glam Shot!

Taking beautiful pictures of the harbour in Sydney is rather like shooting fish in a barrel.

The above was taken from the ferry going from Circular Quay to the Taronga Zoo. Of course, the Opera House is an obvious landmark, but I'd like to draw your attention to two other key harbour staples, namely the Anzac bridge and the channel marker in the foreground. I think of both of these things as being iconic here on the harbour.

Taken August 2010 - Ferry on the Harbour, Sydney, NSW

Monday, September 6, 2010


I have never lived in a place with such dominate birds! The sulphur-crested cockatoo is one of the most common sights in the park by my house, as the one pictured attests to. :) It's actually quite entertaining to walk through the park right now. As long as you continually walk towards a predictable point (picnic table, swings, walkway...) the cockatoos will just continue to happily munch on whatever they are munching on. If you deviate, slow or speed up, they kind of run away, at least as much as any bird can run. The only time they squawk is when they are show off to each other or think they can get the food off of another bird.

Friday, September 3, 2010

What's in your pocket?

So I've become rather enamoured with pocket sized stuffed animals. This is Harold. I found him at Kinokuniya, one of the most amazing book shops I have seen in a long time. If you do not have a travelling companion, you really are missing out on something. Basically everyone I've introduced Heales or Harold to have immediately started playing with them. It's really is the best way to bring out the child-like glee in anyone. Also, Harold is soft and fuzzy and all around cute. :) He now lives in my shoulder bag.

Taken August 2010 - Town Hall Station, Sydney, NSW

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hunter Valley - Pelican

I still get a kick out of seeing pelicans just flying around. They tend not to like city life, so you do have to go 'up the coast' to find them, but hey, I'm not fussy! Pelicans have until recently been birds that I have only imagined. I know that I have seen my fair share of pelican images, but to actually see one in the feather is really quiet surreal. They are about the size of my old dog, and really do have the most impressive jowels I have ever seen! (and this is including the previously mentioned cassowary). I would also say that they are obviously birds that live in windy areas, and I don't think I've seen them fly so much as glide from place to place.

I'm hoping my next visit up the coast will be to a place I've been led to believe have basically tame pelicans. I'd love to get a proper close up look at these lovely birds. :)

Taken August 2010 - Damn (Australian for pond) in the Hunter Valley, NSW

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Taronga Zoo - Giraffe

Giraffe are just to darn elegant. Their long eyelashes, and haughty expressions just makes me want to serve them tea and crumpets. (Though I think they would rather have carrots!)

The giraffe enclosure at Taronga is pretty impressive, as these four herbivores have a perfect view of the harbour. It is fantastically easy to shoot great pictures of these lovely ladies here. They stand to the south, down hill from the viewing area.

Nothing quite like putting the Zoo on some of the most expensive real estate in Sydney eh?

Taken August 2010 - Taronga Zoo, Sydney, NSW

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Taronga Zoo - Koala and Joey

Can any amount of 'awwww' describe how cute this koala joey is?

It's always nice to get to see koalas at feeding time. Since they sleep 20-22 hours a day, it is pretty much the only time that you get to see them with their eyes open. This mommy spent about 10 minutes going up and down this tree to find a good spot to rest for the afternoon. It was the most active I have ever seen a koala. Their claws must be sharp and their fingers strong as she would jump from branch to branch and never slipped on landing.

Ah, to be a koala... vaguely high on life (or at least what they eat) and able to sleep for a day at a time. *sigh

Taken August 2010 - Taronga Zoo, Sydney, NSW

Monday, August 30, 2010

Australia Zoo - Wombats

What could possibly be better than a hairy nosed wombat? I mean really - with such a perfectly barrel-shapped body perfect for a cuddle.

I am completely enamoured with the Australian wildlife. I have no doubt you'll be seeing more of these beauts posted here in my blog.

Also, are there any requests for certain types of pics? What would you like to see more of? I'm always happy to take requests. :)

Taken February 2010 - Australia Zoo, Brisbane, Queensland, NSW

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ely Cathedral

Nothing quite like a medieval church being light up during deepest darkest winter eh?

If there are country towns and university towns, Ely is very much a Cathedral town. If it weren't for the Cathedral, there really wouldn't be any reason for being there. It's a one hit wonder kind of a place, but what a beautiful wonder! I

f you get a chance, I think Ely really does deserve a day - a grey winter day at that. How else can you be properly medieval?

Taken January 2007 - Ely Cathedral, Ely, England

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Double Helix

I think this was probably the first 'modern' sculpture I found breathtaking. Found on the front lawn at Clare College, I enjoyed 2 weeks of cycling past it on my way to my job at the Faculty of History. Man, what a lame job I had... I was the photocopy girl. No really, that's pretty much the only thing I had to do. It was an easy choice between that and working at Cambridge Wine Merchants! I had the bestest boss at CWM, and I miss her so!

Taken Feb 2007 - Claire Hall, Cambridge, England

Friday, August 27, 2010

Watching Water

I absolutely love to watch the water as it boils and bubbles away from a fast moving ship. To my delight, the water in the Sydney Harbour is this beautiful velvety rich blue-green, and the foam from the ferry just makes me want to dive in. Yes, you can fish in the harbour, but I don't think I'd want to... no would I want to swim here either. They still regularly spot sharks here, and I have a hard enough time sharing my swimming area with fish!

Taken August 2010 - Ferry on the Harbour, Sydney, NSW

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Australia Zoo - Cassowary

This is quite possibly the more awesome and the most terrifying bird I have ever met. Think emu with attitude and a huge wart-like horn staring at you eye-to-eye. Very cool, but daunting none the less.

As you can tell, there's food in the bucket, which is what caught the bird's attention initially. I ended up sitting down on the raise walkway to watch the cassowary eat. So cool! it's neck is really quite floppy and iridescent blue. When it swallows, you can actually see the form of the object sliding down its neck. Gah!

These lovely, ugly birds are loosing ground on the whole no dying off front. If you get a chance to go to the zoo and see one, it's well worth the trip.

Taken February 2010 - Australia Zoo, Brisbane, Queensland

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mount Tomah Gardens - Strawflower

It's funny... when I think about colours, yellow is not on my list of favourites. Even still, I absolutely love these lovely little bright pastel yellow flowers! They just seem so content to be bright even on a cloudy day.

I am also exceptionally happy with the composition of this photo. I didn't think it would turn out this well when I snapped it, in fact I thought I was taking a shot of the flowers in the foreground. Just goes to show you that you should just keep snapping away, and do the editing on the big monitor at home.

taken May 2010 - Mount Tomah Gardens, Blue Mountains, NSW