a photo journey

~ Make sure to look through October for pictures from my trip to Italy. This whole working thing is really throwing off my regular-posting groove!

About Me

As a child growing up in rural Canada, I always enjoyed spending time in the countryside around me.  Now (shall we say 'a few') years later, I have had the opportunity to let my itchy feet wander.  So far I have stamps in my passport from 11 countries, which means I only have 182 left to visit.  (as of Jul 2010)

While wandering, I have kept my trusty point and shoot Cannon with me and have some picture and stories that deserve to be shared.  I particularly like taking photos of flowers, churches, scenery, and beautiful things.  I hope you enjoy wandering with me!

Also, your comments and feedback make me want to post more - so if you like something, let me know. 


1 comment:

  1. I love the pictures of Italy - clearly you loved it there. Any European pictures and/or stories are enjoyable.
