More than the smell of cow manure or the sight of mud, this shade of green makes me think of home.
Yes, I do understand that cow manure does not evoke most to reminisce about times gone by. I also understand that most people do not find the smell of skunk to be floral. There are some things in life that can be seen in very different lights.
The green in the picture above makes me think of summer days and soft clover and grass. There is something in the quality of light, the warmth of the foliage and the colour of the (stagnant) water that brings a smile to my mouth and a warmth to my heart. This particular picture takes these feelings of home and adds a air of romance - I can see Jane Austin and costume drama writ large here.
I am so happy that this picture comes from a public park. Moments like this deserve to be savoured and shared.
Come and sit on the grass with me. Bring your favorite novel and some iced tea or lemonade. The sunshine is waiting for you too.
taken June 2010 - Parco Sempione, Milan