a photo journey

~ Make sure to look through October for pictures from my trip to Italy. This whole working thing is really throwing off my regular-posting groove!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mount Tomah Gardens

This is a type of fuchsia, though I'm still not certain which type. I love it because of its long bell and beautiful colour. I also love fuchsias in general because of 2 very prominent memories.

First and foremost, my grandmother always had at least one basket of fuchsias on her veranda every summer. Even though my memory of Shenstone is waning, I will always remember the fuchsias.

Second would be the almost unending fuchsia hedges in County Cork through to Bantry in Ireland, where Micah and I honeymooned. That trip was extraordinary, and the fuchsias were lovely.

I hope someday to be able to grow fuchsias myself. I know my grandma would love that.

taken May 2010 - Mount Tomah Gardens, Blue Mountains, NSW

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